Out-Of-Character Information

Information for SAR LE Public Info Users

Out-Of-Character Info

This page will disclose any information that may be pertinent for users to navigate and use the SAR LE Public Information Website. If you have any questions regarding information on this page, or if this page doesn't include something you'd like to know, please contact a member of Public Communications Group. 

List of Public Information Officers

A list of Public Information Officers can be found here in the Public Communications Group Roster.


How Commendations are Awarded

Every month, Law Enforcement Supervisors & Command Staff will meet to review all of the commendation applications from the month prior. Out of all of the applications, one will be picked by Law Enforcement Supervisors & Command Staff to be awarded to the applying officer. This application will be the best received during the month, this may be characterized by it having the largest amount of evidence, or just generally being the most justified application. Special exemptions may be made if no applications are received, if no applications satisfy the requirements of the reviewing officers or if more than one application does satisfy the requirements of the reviewing officers. 

Commendations which are marked on the 'Commendations & Requirements' page as, 'Recipients of this medal are exclusively selected by LE Command Staff and Supervisors, as such, this medal cannot be applied for' are selected by Law Enforcement Supervisors & Command Staff at random, after viewing an officer fulfill the requirements of the relevant award first-hand. More than one of these commendations can be awarded each month.

The number of commendations awarded, per month, by Law Enforcement Supervisors & Command Staff will be posted in #leo-behind-the-scenes.

For a commendation to be awarded, the following criteria must be met:

Logging Commendations

Should an officer deem themselves or another eligible for a commendation and request to have a ribbon issued, the following shall be completed:

Line of Duty Deaths

Mourning Periods

For a mourning period to be put into effect, (which results in the issuance of mourning bands) the following criteria must be met:

Logging Line of Duty Deaths

Should an officer be slain in the line of duty and request to have a mourning band issued, the following shall be completed:

NOTE: The result of a 'Mourning Period Request Form' is entirely held within the command team's discretion. A mourning period may be denied for any reason, fulfilling the obligations of the mourning period criteria does not guarantee a mourning period will be approved. This is especially the case if the roleplay which led to the officer's death is found to be low quality or otherwise unacceptable. 

Photograph Guidelines

The following only applies to photos taken, of officers for 'Line of Duty Deaths' or 'Commendations'