
List of Available Commendations and their Requirements


Below is a list of all commendations available to Peace Officers upon the submission of a request form. Included is a description of the commendation & the requirements needed to achieve it. For more information on how certain commendations are allocated & how to apply for them, please visit our Out-Of-Character Information page here.

Medal of Valor

The Medal of Valor is an award for bravery, usually awarded to officers for individual acts of heroism in the line of duty, above and beyond the call of duty. 

Police Medal

The Police Medal is an award for bravery, usually awarded to officers for individual acts of heroism in the line of duty, though not above and beyond the call of duty, as is required for the Medal of Valor. 

Police Life Saving Medal

The Police Life Saving Medal is an award for bravery, usually awarded to officers for taking action in order to rescue or attempt the rescue of either a fellow officer or any person from imminent danger. E.g. Narcan Saves, Successful Admission of CPR, Successful Delivery of a Baby. 

Preservation of Life Medal

The Preservation of Life Medal may be awarded to an officer who has distinguished himself or herself by employing exceptional tactics and exercising sound judgment, beyond the normal demands of duty, to preserve the life of another during a volatile or dangerous encounter while protecting the safety and security of the public and his or her fellow officers. 

Police Distinguished Service Medal

The Police Distinguished Service Medal is the department’s highest award for service and may be awarded to employees who distinguish themselves by performing exceptional service in a duty of great responsibility or of critical importance to law enforcement. Achievable only by P3s. Recipients of this medal are exclusively selected by LE Command Staff and PCG Supervisors, as such, this medal cannot be applied for. 

Police Meritorious Service Medal

The Police Meritorious Service Medal is awarded to employees who distinguish themselves by performing exceptional service in a duty of great responsibility or of critical importance to law enforcement, but to a lesser degree than required for the Police Distinguished Service Medal. Achievable only by P2s. Recipients of this medal are exclusively selected by LE Command Staff and PCG Supervisors, as such, this medal cannot be applied for. 

Community Policing Medal

The Community Policing Medal is awarded to officers who have in their day‑to‑day activities shown great compassion and have gone above and beyond the call of duty in their response to members of the public. Recipients of this medal are exclusively selected by LE Command Staff and PCG Supervisors, as such, this medal cannot be applied for. 

Human Relations Medal

The Human Relations Medal is awarded to officers who have in their day‑to‑day activities shown great compassion and have gone above and beyond the call of duty in their response to fellow Law Enforcement Officers. Recipients of this medal are exclusively selected by LE Command Staff and PCG Supervisors, as such, this medal cannot be applied for.

Police Commission Unit Citation

The Police Commission Unit Citation is the department’s highest unit award and may be awarded to an organizational unit of the department for bravery or outstanding service by its members functioning as a team. Given to any officer who is a member of CTSOB’s D Platoon.

Commendation Ribbon

A commendation ribbon will be authorized to wear after a sworn employee has received 5 commendations. Citizen letters, minor and major commendations will be counted towards the ribbon. 

Patrol Service Ribbon

5 years of service in patrol services as a Police Officer, Sergeant and/or Lieutenant. This equates to 4 months of service out-of-character. 

Patrol Service Ribbon (with Bronze Oak Leaf cluster)

10 years of service in patrol services as a Police Officer, Sergeant and/or Lieutenant. This equates to 8 months of service out-of-character.

Patrol Service Ribbon (with Silver Star) 

15 years of service in patrol services as a Police Officer, Sergeant and/or Lieutenant. This equates to 12 months of service out-of-character. 

Patrol Service Ribbon (with Gold Star) 

20 years of service in patrol services as a Police Officer, Sergeant and/or Lieutenant. This equates to 16 months of service out-of-character.

Detective Service Ribbon

5 years of service in investigative units as a Detective and/or Lieutenant. This equates to 4 months of service out-of-character. 

Detective Service Ribbon (with Bronze Oak Leaf cluster) 

10 years of service in investigative units as a Detective and/or Lieutenant. This equates to 8 months of service out-of-character.

Detective Service Ribbon (with Silver Star) 

15 years of service in investigative units as a Detective and/or Lieutenant. This equates to 12 months of service out-of-character. 

Detective Service Ribbon (with Gold Star) 

20 years of service in investigative units as a Detective and/or Lieutenant. This equates to 16 months of service out-of-character. 

Reserve Service Ribbon 

Awarded for service as a Reserve Police officer. 

1987 Papal Visit Ribbon 

Given to any LSPD officer who saw service during the September 1987 pastoral visit of the Pope. Eligible officers need a minimum of 28 months of service out-of-character. 

1992 Civil Disturbance Ribbon 

Given to any LSPD officer who saw service during the 1992 Los Santos riots. Eligible officers need a minimum of 20 months of service out-of-character. 

1992 Earthquake Ribbon 

Given to any LSPD officer who saw service during the 1992 San Andreas earthquakes. Eligible officers need a minimum of 20 months of service out-of-character. 

2000 Liberal National Convention Ribbon 

Given to any LSPD officer who saw service during the 2000 Liberal National Convention. Eligible officers need a minimum of 16 months of service out-of-character. 

2023 Los Santos Attacks Ribbon

Given to any LSPD officer who saw service during the 2023 Los Santos International Airport Bombing or Vespucci Beach Attack. Eligible officers who can prove they were on-scene, during the incident.

Urban Police Rifle Cadre Ribbon 

Given to any peace officer who is qualified to use an Urban Police Rifle.

Shotgun Slug Ammunition Cadre Ribbon 

Given to any peace officer who is qualified to use slug ammunition in department issued shotguns.

Purple Heart

Purple Heart - Awarded to officers who sustain a traumatic, career-ending physical injury as a result of a suspect’s actions during an on-duty tactical situation. Can also be awarded posthumously to officers who die in the line of duty as a direct result of a suspect’s actions. 

Armed Forces Service Ribbon

Awarded to officers who served in any of the United States’ Armed Forces.